Black Rock Shooter Poker Face

And here is the second story for the second day of the 'Blue Flame Couple Week', hope you guys can enjoy it, so please, enjoy and review.

  1. Black Rock Shooter Poker Facebook
  2. White Rock Shooter
  3. Black Rock Shooter Poker Faces
  4. Black Rock Shooter Episode 1
  5. Black Rock Shooter Characters

Prompts: Contest


Dec 08, 2016  Mato probably never met a Grimm face to face until the Shade Entrance Exam, unless she and Yuu made it a point to attend some kind of Hunting Camp one summer after she invented the Black Rock Cannon. Kotari Yuu's school life (at present). Follow/Fav Blue Flame Couple Week. This week will be a very blue week with 7 stories about one of famous crossover pairing: Rin Okumura x Black Rock Shooter, want to know their story? Read it then! Her a childish grin and Mato only can let out a silent sigh before sitting beside him and facing him with her usual poker face.

Beta: GooBall

Disclaimer: Ane and Brs aren't mine.

Today is a very lively day for the students of the True Cross Academy. Numerous people already filled the giant court of the academy which right now is already decorated for today's event. Numerous stalls are already lined and scattered in almost everywhere around the giant court of the academy. Numerous students and people are also scattered all around the court with some students trying to attract them for trying their stall. In short, today is a very lively day with the atmosphere around the academy becomes bubbly (even too bubbly for it's own good). And what kind of event makes the usually massive and rich-looking academy become like this? Of course, the cultural festival day! The day where almost every school in Japan transforms into a massive bazaar (or that is what most people think), but all of this happens only for one thing, for fun.

But the crowd isn't just limited on the court because inside the school building is also filled with numerous people ranged from male to female, young to old, and student to non-student. Among those crowds, walking with both his hands already placed inside the pocket of his black trouser is a young man with messy black hair and dark blue eyes plus a small grin on his face. Who is this boy? Everyone (from True Cross Academy) will instantly recognize him just by his messy hair and dark blue eyes. He is the supposed delinquent student of True Cross Academy (remember, supposedly!) the famous, Rin Okumura. He often comes late to school, dozing off in class, and gets abysmal grades and... (Rin: Okay! Enough with the introduction, just continue the story please! *Author stuck his tongue* *Beta reader laughs*).

After dodging all the people who stood in his way or were walking in the opposite direction, his legs finally stopping moving when he reached his destination. The grin on the boy's face becomes wider after his dark blue eyes read the sign which displayed above a certain classroom and a snicker escaped his mouth because of this. He shook his head a little before approaching the door which right now is guarded by a student who dressed as BakeNeko (Monstercat).

'Oh, Okumura-kun! Welcome, welcome! Do you want to try our very scary haunted house?' the girl with short brown hair said to him with a cheerful smile already decorating her cute face. Rin only letting out another snicker after hearing her offer, Isn't when you are offering someone to try a haunted house, you must make them curious by telling stuff about ghosts? Well, he thinks this girl isn't quite suited for this role... Not like he can do it too anyway.

'I think I will pass, besides, I don't think my heart will able to survive this' the black haired boy replied which only resulted in making both of them laugh. In truth, both of them already knew that something like this would be a boring experience for the boy, considering how brave he is and the funny fact is, he is not the one who is scared of the ghost, instead it was the ghost who was scared of him for an unknown reason, funny right?

'Well, her shift should be over by now, I will get her... Oh and can you please replace me for a sec?' After getting a positive response from the boy, the girl quickly enters the classroom which also makes the boy's smile widen again. After closing his eyes to recall his plan today, Rin decides to just lean against the wall and watch the people pass by while waiting for them. But before even Rin has a chance to put his back against the wall, two girls already came out from the classroom which was supposed to be a haunted house today.


'Yo, Mato' Rin greets after his dark blue eyes sees a black haired girl who tied her hair in uneven pigtail style walking out from the classroom with the girl who wore the BakeNeko costume earlier. The black haired girl, Mato Kuroi, only nodded her head to reply his greeting before she said something to the shorter girl who only nodded her head and gave her a wink which also caused Mato to send a glare towards her, but the shorter girl only let out a giggle as a response. After saying good bye to Yuu Kotari, the girl who wears BakeNeko costume, both Rin and Mato start to walk towards the direction of a certain classroom which Rin is intending to visit.

'Where are we going?' Mato asks out of curiosity and when the only response she get from the boy besides her is a small grin, she knows that she won't get any other answers regarding her question and to be quite honest she a little annoyed by his habit to let her question stay unanswered and as usual she express it by rolling her light blue eyes.

'Don't worry, I promise this place going to be great and fun' Rin cheerfully said before giving the girl beside him, the Rin Okumura signature grin, which succeeded in making Mato let out a silent sigh, but nevertheless, she is still eager to found out about what her boyfriend had planned for them today... And she silently hopes it isn't something stupid.

Some minutes later...

Mato's light blue eyes became as wide as a golf ball when her eyes scanned the sight in front of herself. She can't believe that Rin will bring her here and what's more, he also wants to join this ridiculous contest. Anyway, what is the contest which shocks Mato Kuroi, one of the honor students from the True Cross Academy? The answer comes in the form of three words...

Love Trial Contest...

'Come, come and try this contest to see how strong your bond is with each other!' One of the girls, who Mato assumes as the one who should attract customers, yells while waving her hand around. Her glare instantly lands on the grinning idiot besides her who only raises his eyebrows twice before raising one of his hands which of course, catches the attention of the girl earlier.

'We would like to try it' Rin said before staring at her with an expression that says 'I will explain it later' which only makes Mato letting out a sigh after realizing that she won't able to get away from this and when Rin finally put a 5 yen into the box which is supposed to be the payment box, she knew that there is no way out from this idiot plan in forcing her to enter this contest.

'Thank you very much! Now, allow me to explain the only rule this contest has. Through the entire contest, the participants need to be holding hands and never leting go of their partners hand until finishing the contest or else, the participants will be disqualified' the girl cheerfully explains the rule which only makes both Mato and Rin think of one thing... 'What kind of person who creates a rule like that?'

'Oh! And the female participant needs to wear this' the girl adds before taking out something from her red blazer. Rin eyeing the girl with curiosity before she pulls her hand from her blazer and reveals a silver pendant shaped in a heart with a blue gem which is also shaped like heart and a silver chain, and Rin can't help, but be amazed by how nice it looks, maybe he needs to go find something like this for Mato later on, a necklace like this will definitely look good on her. New mission acquired, buying a new necklace for Mato Kuroi.

'This necklace is a sign that tells you are a participant and you can bring it home too' the girl adds before handing the necklace to Rin who accepts with a smile on his face. Mission complete!

'Take off your ribbon Mato' Rin says making Mato reply with a little sigh before taking off the ribbon of her uniform from her neck and as soon as Mato places her ribbon in the pocket of her blazer, Rin instantly puts the necklace on her neck which surprises her a little. The feeling of his skin touching the skin on her neck makes Mato blush a little, but she quickly looks at the ground in order to hide it, but when her eyes notices the grin on Rin's face widening, she know that he already noticed her reddened cheeks.

'Okay then, let's begin the first trial! First, go to the ramen stall on the court and the explanation of the first trial will be given there. Also, you two need to reach it in ten minutes or else, you'll fail' and as soon as the girl is done with her explanation, both black haired teenagers instantly are gone as Rin drag Mato towards where they are supposed to go.

'C'mon Mato! Let's break the record and arrive there as the fastest couple!' Rin said cheerfully after Mato finally is able to run on her own (yes run since the idiot beside her is running and she won't able to keep up if she does not run too). For once Mato found herself actually agree with her childish boyfriend, even though she doesn't find any kind of logical reason as why they have to break that record, but at least if they able to do it will make him happy, so she has no reason to against the idea.

3 minutes later...

'3 minutes, that's pretty impressive, so far, no couple capable of coming here that fast' a girl with silver hair said after both Rin and Mato finally arrive at their destination after running all the way from where they registered. To be honest, she isn't surprised by the result at all, the reason is simple, because the both of them are fast. Rin is known as one of the fittest boys in their school while Mato is the fastest girl in the school basket ball team.

'So, what do we need to do?' Rin asks in eagerness as he can't wait to finish all of these trials and get the amazing gift that he has heard about from some of his friends. The silver haired girl only gives them a smile before she gesturing towards a table with two seats in front of it plus a bowl of ramen on top of it. This only causes Mato to raise one of her eyebrows before she looks around to see many pairs of boy and girl sitting on the table with the girl feeding the boy ramen... So, like that.

'It's very simple, one of you needs to eat up this ramen in 10 minutes' the silver haired girl explains and her explanation also causes a predator grin to appear on the face of Rin Okumura and he instantly eyes the ramen. Perfect. From the way his dark blue eyes are eyeing the ramen and from the small drool that comes out from his mouth, Mato can assumes that Rin hasn't eating anything yet which means this can be too easy, let's see if she can change it a bit.

Once both black haired teens sat down, the silver haired girl was instantly cheering while yelling 'Game Start!' and quickly pushes the button of the stopwatch. A grin instantly forms on the face of Rin Okumura when Mato picks up the chopstick from the table before starting to use it for taking the noodle from the bowl and when Rin thinks she is going to feed him, something unexpected happens...

Mato throws the noodle on the air. A pair of dark blue eyes widening at the sight of some noodles hovering in the air and before his mind could make a decision about what he needs to do, his instinct instantly takes over his body. In an instant, Rin stands up from his chair and catches the noodles... Using his mouth.

'What the hell that's for Mato?!' Rin yelled in an annoyed tone after he slurped the noodle in his mouth. And to his surprise, Mato only gives him a small smile before throwing another noodle into the air making Rin's instinct take over his body again and he quickly shoots up from his seat and catches the noodle using his mouth again. This process keeps repeating a few times with Mato smiling a little and throwing the noodles in the air and Rin, who can't control his body since his instinct already took over it from him, always able to catch it using his mouth. Of course their action is also making both of them become the center of attention of the whole people near the ramen stall.

'Hey look at them'

'Woah! That boy still can catch all of it without failing at all!'

'Isn't that girl a bit too mean by doing so?'

'Aren't they Rin Okumura and Mato Kuroi?'

'Look! That odd pair is doing it again!'

And 2 minutes later, the bowl already is empty with Rin panting slightly from all the jumping he did in order to catch the noodles. Rin only letting out a huff while Mato still is smiling, proud with her work. But a few seconds later, a laugh can be heard coming from the mouth of Rin Okumura as the boy explodes into laughter which makes the small smile on Mato's face widen a bit. At least, he still can find doing something childish like what they just did earlier fun.

Black Rock Shooter Poker Facebook

'Well, Mato ready to continue this?' Rin asks after standing up from his seat with his signature grin already back to its rightful place on his face. Mato letting out a sigh, but her smile still present on her face as she stands up and gives Rin a nod as her answer.

Time skip...

The afternoon slowly starts to change into evening and slowly the crowd becomes lesser than before. For our odd couple, they spent the rest of their day with continuing the contest that they had joined in.

The second trial is speed card game which they win easily thanks to Mato (and Rin still can't believe how good she is in beats that guy who is supposed to be unbeatable)

The third trial is table tennis which they win easily too since even with one hand, Rin still manages to give them a hard time (this time it was Mato who was surprised in how good Rin is at playing table tennis).

The fourth trial is a task which requires them to find a balloon with the word lucky on it in a basket full of balloons. They found it rather fast since Rin threw all the balloons in the air and using Mato's amazing eyesight, they instantly found one before popping it with their hands in order to retrieve a paper inside it which filled with a question (that was easily answered by Mato). And now here they are walking on the almost empty hallway and instead of wearing their uniform, right now they are wearing an outfit which resembles a prince and princess.

Apparently the gift for winning this contest is they are given a chance to wear the outfit like in the fairy tale. That's why now Mato wears a black dress with white sash on her waist and black sleeves plus silver pattern here and there while Rin wears a black vest, white shirt and pants, black boots plus silver pattern here and there.

'This will be a nice place to see the bonfire' Rin commented after opening one of the empty classrooms (which actually is his own class) and stepping inside and followed by his girlfriend afterward.

'Is it fine to just enter like that?' Mato asks while she scans the classroom which is only filled by darkness and emptiness, and looking like the students here already clear up all the stuff and props.

'Don't worry, as long as we don't touch anything, everything will be fine, besides, it was my own class' Rin answered before sitting on the ledge near the window with his dark blue eyes already staring at the students below who have preparing all the preparation for the bonfire. Mato slowly approaches him before standing behind him.

'Isn't it fun?' Rin suddenly said and turns his head to face his girlfriend who only tilts her head in confusion.

'I mean the contest, we got a lot of fun for just 5 yen, right?' Rin said while giving her a childish grin and Mato only can let out a silent sigh before sitting beside him and facing him with her usual poker face.

'Now about the reason' and this quickly catches Rin's attention as the childish expression on his face disappears before he looks out of the window again before let out a small sigh and a small smile instantly formed on his face.

'Well, it was not a big deal... It is just... Man, now if I think about it, I feel pretty stupid (Author: Aren't you already stupid Rin? Rin: Shut up you damn author!)' Rin replied before letting out a nervous laugh and scratching the back of his head while Mato raises one of her eyebrows while patiently waiting for the boy to continue.

'Its just... A few days ago, this fortune-teller said that the bond of my relationship with my girlfriend was starting to weaken and I guess, I panicked after hear this and that's why I wanted to test it out by joining this contest, but look like I already got an answer' Rin explains before chuckling to himself, but a slender hand suddenly flick his forehead causing Rin to turns his head toward the black haired girl who now again only wears her annoyed expression.

'I know that you are an idiot, but I never thought that you are this stupid' Mato said before letting out a sigh and when Rin was about to protest, Mato give him a glare that says 'Shut up' which effectively making Rin shut his mouth.

'You shouldn't listen to what a person like that says to you. What happens in our relationship is only known by us who know the exact thing and as far as I know our bond never weakens at all, besides...' And Rin's dark blue eyes widen in surprise when Mato gives him her smile that only Rin is allowed to see.

White Rock Shooter

'There is no way I will leave you' She said which causes Rin's face to heat up before his usual grin returns to his face. That's right, how stupid is he for thinking about something as pointless as that. He needs to have more faith in their relationship and he also believes that Mato will never leave him for other boys, just like how he will never leave her for other girls. Because despite their opposite personalities, their feeling toward each other are genuine.

'Right!' Rin's responds cheerfully before both of them shift their gaze towards some students that right now are start to dance around the bonfire and the next thing Mato knows is Rin dragging her again to follow the dance contest down there and she wonder if this contest will be as fun as the earlier contest, because you join a contest because you are looking for fun, right?

Black Rock Shooter Poker Faces

Black Rock Shooter is the name of both a 2010 original video animation (OVA) and a 2012 anime television series, based on the character created by illustrator Huke. Produced by Ordet,[1] the series, which both feature their own story lines, focus on two worlds, the human world involving the life of a girl named Mato Kuroi and her friendship with Yomi Takanashi, and the other world, where a mysterious girl known as Black Rock Shooter fights fierce battles. The OVA is directed and written by Shinobu Yoshioka, with Nagaru Tanigawa co-writing, Yūsuke Matsuo designing the characters based on Huke's original concepts and ryo composing the music,[2] and was first announced in August 2009, with a pilot edition released on DVD and Blu-ray Disc (BD) on September 30, 2009.[3] The full 50-minute OVA was bundled with various magazines from July 24, 2010, before receiving a retail release on DVD and BD on December 17, 2010.[4] The ending theme for the OVA is 'Braveheart' by The Gomband.[2] The anime television series aired on Fuji TV's Noitamina block between February 2 and March 22, 2012. It is directed by Shinobu Yoshioka, with Hiroyuki Imaishi directing the CG sequences, Mari Okada writing the scripts, Yūsuke Yoshigaki designing the characters based on Huke's original concepts and Hideharu Mori composing the music. The series was released on DVD and BD on June 22, 2012 in a box set containing the original soundtrack and an Insane Black Rock Shooter Figma figurine.[5] The opening theme is 'Black Rock Shooter' (ブラック★ロックシューダー, Burakku Rokku Shūtā) by Supercell sung by Hatsune Miku, while the ending theme is 'Bokura no Ashiato' (僕らのあしあと, Our Footsteps) by Supercell sung by Koeda.


No.TitleDirected byWritten byOriginal Release Date
OVA'Black★Rock Shooter'
Transcription: 'Burakku★Rokku Shūtā' (Japanese: ブラック★ロックシューター)
Shinobu YoshiokaNagaru Tanigawa
Shinobu Yoshioka
July 24, 2010
Mato Kuroi makes friends with a girl named Yomi Takanashi who recently moved to the town. Mato quickly joins the basketball club, which incites Yomi to join the volleyball club since both clubs practice at the same time in the gymnasium. The two spend much time together over the following year, and during one outing Mato gives Yomi the same phone charm she has. In their second year of junior high, they end up in different classes, reducing the amount of time they can spend together. Furthermore, Yomi starts to become jealous of Mato hanging around her basketball club manager and classmate, Yū Kōtari. When Yomi seemingly disappears, Mato becomes concerned when she does not show up at school the next day or respond to her text messages. Mato becomes further depressed when she receives word that Yomi has been reported missing and is asked about her whereabouts by two detectives. One day, Mato receives a blank text message from Yomi and goes to her favorite spot in town where she finds the phone charm she gave her. The charm starts to glow and transports her to a strange world where she meets Black Rock Shooter, a mysterious girl with a blazing blue eye. She then merges with Black Rock Shooter and duels an evil being called Dead Master, which is the embodiment of Yomi's jealousy. During their fight, the possessed Yomi almost falls to her death, but Black Rock Shooter saves and embraces her, causing her body to be freed from Dead Master. Yomi and Mato return to their normal lives, but Yū begins to act strangely, implying the same fate that befell Yomi will happen to her as well.

Television series[edit]

Each of the episodes are named after lyrics from the eponymous song by Supercell.

No.TitleDirected byOriginal airdate
1'How Much More Do I Have to Scream?'
Transcription: 'Ato Dore Dake Sakebeba Ii no Darō' (Japanese: あとどれだけ叫べばいいのだろう)
Shinobu Yoshioka
Hiroyuki Imaishi
February 2, 2012
In another world, the eponymous Black Rock Shooter battles a mysterious red-eyed opponent. Meanwhile, in the human world, Mato enters middle school and takes an interest in her classmate, Yomi. The two quickly become friends due to their common fondness for a book from their childhood. After inviting Mato to her house, Yomi becomes worried when Kagari Izuriha, a wheelchair-bound girl who wants to keep Yomi to herself, arrives and acts with hostility towards Mato, causing her to become frightened. Meanwhile, in the other world, Black Rock Shooter follows a green trail to a wasteland filled with broken toys where she is attacked by a girl resembling Kagari named Chariot. After speaking with the student counselor, Saya Irino, Mato renews her determination to become good friends with Yomi and invites her to go to a festival with her. In the meantime, before Black Rock Shooter can prepare a counter-attack against Chariot, she is stopped by a girl covered in chains named Dead Master.
2'Dawn Envelops the Sky'
Transcription: 'Yoake o Idaku Sora' (Japanese: 夜明けを抱く空)
Yoshikazu Ui
Hiroyuki Imaishi
February 9, 2012
As Black Rock Shooter continues her struggle against Chariot and Dead Master, Mato waits at the festival for Yomi, but she never arrives, since Kagari wouldn't allow her to leave. That night, Mato dreams of the fight between Black Rock Shooter and Dead Master, who has a heart carved into her chest, discovering Yomi has the same scar the next day. After consulting with Saya, who explains dreams serve as bonds between friends, Mato goes to Yomi's house, but Kagari stops Yomi from seeing her by throwing herself down the stairs. As Kagari is admitted into hospital with a broken wrist, Yomi's mother explains to Mato that Kagari was hit by a car while running after Yomi. Although nothing was wrong with her legs, Kagari used it as an excuse to become more dependent on Yomi. Determined in her belief that Yomi shouldn't suffer for that, Mato voices her pleas to go home with Yomi, calling her by her first name, helping Yomi realize her true feelings, which are to be earnest friends with both Mato and Kagari. After Dead Master manages to break free from her chains, she is captured by a woman named Black Gold Saw. As Chariot launches an attack against Black Rock Shooter in the confusion, she is killed, which causes Kagari to shortly outburst before calming down, seemingly returning to normal.
3'Tears Held Back Threaten to Spill Over'
Transcription: 'Koraeta Namida ga Afuresou na no' (Japanese: こらえた涙があふれそうなの)
Toshiya Shinohara
Hiroyuki Imaishi
February 16, 2012
As Mato prepares to go to training camp with her basketball club, Yomi starts to become jealous of Mato's childhood friend, Yū. Mato has more dreams involving Black Gold Saw during camp, and at the same time, Saya takes an interest in Yomi. Upon returning to school, the basketball coach, Arata Kohata, discovers a love letter she wrote for a boy she liked had been posted for all to see. Although she holds back tears in front of the crowd, she comes to realise those laughing behind her back when she is taunted by Saya. In the other world, Black Rock Shooter attacks Black Gold Saw's hideout, killing her minions, one of which resemble Arata. Simultaneously in the human word, Arata experiences a sudden pain in her head and falls unconscious in front of Mato.
4'The World I Once Dreamt of Closes'
Transcription: 'Itsuka Yumemita Sekai ga Tojiru' (Japanese: いつか夢見た世界が閉じる)
Hiroshi Kobayashi
Hiroyuki Imaishi
February 23, 2012
In the other world, another being named Strength is seen throwing Chariot's corpse off a cliff. Meanwhile, Kagari starts going to school and starts making friends which, on top of Mato's duties with her club, causes Yomi to feel unwanted. As Kagari asks Mato for some advice on how to cheer up Yomi, they stumble upon Yomi arguing with Kagari's friends, saying something she soon regrets and locking herself in her room, ignoring Kagari's visits. The next day, the boy Arata confessed to the other day tries to apologise to her, but she has no memory of him. Meanwhile, Yomi falls further into depression when she receives a text from Yū. Believing Kagari to be the only one who would need her, Yomi snaps when Kagari mentions that she has no memory of ever needing her. This has an effect on the other world, as Dead Master emerges with a darker personality and stands off against Black Rock Shooter.
5'Black★Rock Shooter'
Transcription: 'Burakku★Rokku Shūtā' (Japanese: ブラック★ロックシューター)
Tatsumi Fujii
Akira Amemiya
March 1, 2012
As Black Rock Shooter fights against a huge army under Dead Master's control, Yomi behaves strangely at school, cutting her hair in class, causing Mato to become concerned, even lashing out at Kagari. As Yū becomes cautious of Saya's actions, Mato sees the battle between Black Rock Shooter and Dead Master in her sleep. As Mato visits Saya the next day, she tries to strangle her, leaving her confounded. After seeing the painting Yomi drew of her, Mato comes to realise that is because of her that Yomi is suffering. She soon discovers that no-one in the basketball club remembers Yū, soon finding her own memories of her to be false. Yuu then appears before her, telling her that the other world in her dreams is real. She explains how the people in the other world represent the sorrow upon their real world counterparts, and if they are killed, the person forgets about their attachments that caused them that grief, meaning if Dead Master is killed, Yomi would forget all about her. Offering Mato the chance to save Yomi without resorting to fighting, Yū puts her into a deep sleep, sending her mind into that of Black Rock Shooter, only to find she had just killed Dead Master. The shock of this causes Black Rock Shooter's blazing blue eye to become purple.
6'Hope That Time There Shouldn't Have Been Any'
Transcription: 'Aru Hazu mo Nai Ano Toki no Kibō' (Japanese: あるはずもないあの時の希望)
Tsurutarō Ōshū
Akira Amemiya
March 8, 2012
As Mato breaks down from what she had just done, Black Rock Shooter transforms into a more psychotic and armored form known as Insane Black Rock Shooter and stands against Black Gold Saw. As Black Rock Shooter rips off her own arm to fight against Black Gold Saw, Mato passes out from the pain, preventing Yū from calling her back to her body. She brings her to Saya, who wanted to prevent Black Rock Shooter from causing destruction in the other world, but can't bring herself to kill Mato in order to do so. Instead, Saya has Yū transport her mind to Black Gold Saw's so she can try to talk with Mato. Saya talks about how she befriended Yū, who had been constantly bullied at both home and school. One night, when Yū's house caught fire, Saya wrongly assumed Yū was responsible and felt guilty. When Saya found her the next day, she asked Saya to protect her and awakened her connection to Black Gold Saw. Back in the present, Strength steps in to fight Black Rock Shooter in Black Gold Saw's place, allowing Saya to return. As Strength overwhelms Black Rock Shooter in battle, Yomi returns to school with no apparent memory of Mato.
7'Make a Wish on a Star Racing Through the Darkness'
Transcription: 'Yami o Kakeru Hoshi ni Negai o' (Japanese: 闇を駆ける星に願いを)
Shinpei Ezaki
Hiroyuki Imaishi
March 15, 2012
As Saya finds she is no longer able to connect with Black Gold Saw, Yū sends her own mind to that of Strength's to try and talk to Mato, who finally regains consciousness and attempts to hold back Black Rock Shooter. However, Mato starts to hesitate when she realises how she had been running away from her own feelings. Just then, Strength starts to speak and goes berserk on Black Rock Shooter, revealing she is actually the real Yū. Strength, the Yū that Mato knew, explains how she gained emotions when Yū, who was filled with an extraordinary amount of sorrow, was able to contact her, stopping her from dying at the hands of Black Rock Shooter. Finding a world of fighting better than the world she lived in, Yū decided to switch places with Strength so that she would have to face reality instead. Meanwhile, as word reaches school that Mato had not returned home, Yomi feels a pain in her heart and remembers her friendship with her, which in turn causes Dead Master to reawaken.
8'Let's Go Beyond This World'
Transcription: 'Sekai o Koete' (Japanese: 世界を超えて)
Shinobu Yoshioka
Hiroyuki Imaishi
March 22, 2012
As Strength prepares to sacrifice herself in order to stop Yū, Mato becomes determined to stop Black Rock Shooter from killing her. She ends up inside a blue world, where she herself is Black Rock Shooter, standing against Insane Black Rock Shooter. As Kagari and Arata also recover their painful memories, the revived people of the other world combine their strengths to give Mato the power to defeat Insane Black Rock Shooter, uniting the world as one. Upon regaining herself, Mato finds Strength in a weakened state, who assures Yū that she'll be able to make friends in the real world and gives her thanks to Mato before disappearing into the wind. Afterwards, Yū returns to her original body whilst Mato, having regained consciousness, reunites with Yomi. As life returns to normal, Mato, Yomi, Kagari and Yū all become friends together whilst Strength returns to her place in the other world, alongside Black Rock Shooter. The episode ends with Black Rock Shooter saying she will continue fighting.


  1. ^'TV Animation Black Rock Shooter | Staff/Cast'. Noitamina. Retrieved February 2, 2012.
  2. ^ ab'Black Rock Shooter Animation | Cast/Staff'. Ordet. Retrieved February 2, 2012.
  3. ^'Black Rock Shooter Anime with Yutaka Yamamoto Confirmed for Spring'. Anime News Network. August 22, 2009. Retrieved July 27, 2010.
  4. ^'Black Rock Shooter Animation | Item'. Ordet. Retrieved February 2, 2012.
  5. ^'ブルーレイ・DVD' [Blu-ray/DVD] (in Japanese). Noitamina. Retrieved March 22, 2012.

Black Rock Shooter Episode 1

Black Rock Shooter Poker Face

Black Rock Shooter Characters

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